“Don’t Find Fault. Find A Remedy.” (Henry Ford)

Why Problem-Solving Skills Are Essential for Leaders

Obviously, Henry Ford was an effective problem solver.

Can you imagine the problems inherent in building an assembly line?

His focus was where it should be, “On the remedy.”

How about you, are you as “remedy” oriented or “finding fault” inclined.

You are much more valuable to your employer if you solve problems.

We are all ‘creatures of habit.’

Develop the habit of “finding the remedy.”

This habit will lead to a successful, satisfied life!

If not today, when?

Chicago Homeowner Chases Intruder With Frying Pan!

2,000+ Free Frying Pan & Pan Images - Pixabay

Yep, There is a great online video of the action.

The amusing part of the story is that the homeowner dropped the frying pan, stopped to pick it up and kept on chasing the villain down the street.

I didn’t know a frying pan has many uses, including SELF DEFENSE!

The entire episode took place in broad daylight.

Today’s crooks are becoming more brazen.

Be on guard.

If not today, when.

Do You Keep Your Promises?

The promises made by the two of you on your wedding day are breathtaking.

To have and to hold-Agree to be intimate with one another under many aspects of your relationship.

For better, for worse-This is a huge unknown commitment regardless of circumstances.

For richer, for poorer-Another major promise to persevere regardless of an unknown future.

In sickness and in health-A spouse’s love is essential to bolster a partner in poor health.

Obviously, the exchange of wedding vows is a lifetime commitment to BE THERE.

Do you and your spouse strive to keep the promises made on your wedding day?

Skills Training VS. Degree?

Construction Workers on the Building Site · Free Stock Photo

A new push from some of America’s top companies are prioritizing skills over college degrees.

This is being done in hopes of diversifying the workforce and narrowing the racial wealth gap.

Some young people are choosing shorter periods of specialized training so they can enter the workforce more quickly.

This growing dissatisfaction with the traditional college process could upend the higher education industry.

( Athena Jones, CNN Correspondent)

Things are changing!

Do The Worst First!

Hard Working Person Images - Free Download on Freepik

I’m asking you to do something you DON’T want to do.

This little saying, “Do the worst first” can make you much more successful.

Success lives in difficult tasks, not EASY ones!

If you are in the habit of putting off difficult tasks, your accomplisments will always be limited.

So, turn your priorities around.

Do the worst first!

If not today, when?

I Met A School Teacher…

… in a Home Depot Store.

He told me he taught school for many decades.

He always found it difficult, however, to differentiate twins.

So, he would ask one of them: “Are you the smart one or the good looking one?”

He was surprised when a twin answered, “YES!”

I told him, “As a teacher, You have made a difference with your life!”

We should all strive to make a difference!

If not today, when?

Fatherhood Is Good For Men!

The Bailey Family Photos: Like Father Like Son | Deb Scally ...

Fatherhood can be good for men, psychologically speaking.

The experience of being a dad allows men to feel feelings and behave in ways that mainstream masculinity standards often prohibit.

At the office or on the ball court, men are expected to deny or conceal their vulnerability, empathy and sensitivity.

Do so and risk being thought of as feminine or weak.

But with their kids, dads have a chance to explore all these sides and more, often away from the scrutiny of the public eye. (CNN)

I agree! Happy FATHER’S DAY!

A Place Called “VISTA MARIA!”

Vista Maria is a home & residential school for girls who have been TRAFFICKED!

It is celebrating its 140th year.

Its core values are: Zeal, Individual Worth, Reconciliation, Mercy & Compassion!

Racial Composition-African American (38%), Caucasian (42%), Other (20%)

Its results in 2023:

Those engaged in On Campus Transitional Living (32)

Residential Mental Health Programs (109)

Journey to Success (118)

Community Independent Living (54)

Intensive aftercare (34)

Foster Care (257)

Wrap Around Program (Re-united With Families (48)

Adoptions (27)

Distinct Clients Served (482)

Volunteers (929) Contributed (4,969 Hours)

Vista Maria is located in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Pope Invites Over 100 Comedians To The Vatican!

Stephen Colbert, Chris Rock and Jimmy Fallon were among those to meet Pope Francis

 Before flying to Italy’s southern Puglia region to meet world leaders at the Group of Seven summit, Pope Francis hosted a very different audience at the Vatican on Friday celebrating the importance of humor.

The pontiff welcomed more than 100 comedians from 15 nations, including U.S. celebrities Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Rock, Stephen Colbert and Conan O’Brien.

“In the midst of so much gloomy news, immersed as we are in many social and even personal emergencies, you have the power to spread peace and smiles,” Francis told the comedians.

“Remember this,” he added. “When you manage to bring intelligent smiles to the lips of even a single spectator, you also make God smile.” (Vatican Press Release)