Electronic Waste Growing 5 Times Faster Than Recycling Efforts!

One of the hundreds of small shops for electronics in the narrow streets of an Accra neighborhood in Ghana. Here, broken electronics get dismantled and reused.

From old cellphones to broken refrigerators and discarded e-cigarettes, global electronic waste has reached record highs and is growing five times faster than rates of recycling.

This brings a host of health, environmental and climate problems, according to a new analysis.

The numbers are staggering.

In 2022, the world generated 62 million metric tons of electronic waste, also known as “e-waste,” according to the United Nations Global E-waste Monitor released Wednesday.

To put that in perspective, this waste could fill more than 1.5 million 40-metric-ton trucks which, if placed bumper-to-bumper, could form a line long enough to wrap around the equator. (CNN)

This is something we never think of, but is symptomatic of modern society.

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