Your Fake Smile!

Do You Smile Too Much? The Answer Is Probably Yes. Here's Why That's Bad |

We all do it from time to time.

It is most often used on three occasions:

  1. When we disagree with someone, but don’t want to be disagreeable.

2. When we are with someone we dislike, but don’t want to show it.

3. When we are hurting inside, but don’t want others to know.

It is a mask we wear to get through a situation that could otherwise spin out of control.

It is a convenient way to protect ourselves, but is, however, not genuine. It definitely won’t lead to a deeper understanding between you and the other party.

Political Correctness fosters ingenuine behavior. A fake smile, therefore is a valuable tool if you’re into Political Correctness.

This type of behavior is another reason we aren’t as close to people as we should be.

Honesty is the most essential building block of good relationships!

Try it. You’ll like it!

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